Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 3: Novelty, Innovation, Invention and Creativity

Last Week, We have learn about what means of creativity. This week, we will learn about Novelty, Innovation, Invention and creativity.


Novelty (derived from Latin word novus for "new") is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension (e.g. a new style of art coming into being, such as abstract art or impressionism) it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals.
It also refers to something novel; that which is striking, original or unusual. The term can have pejorative sense and refer to a mere innovation.

Pic Url : http://www.money-banks.co.uk

nov·elty (näv′əl tē)
noun pl. novelties -·ties
1. the quality of being novel; newness; freshness
2. something new, fresh, or unusual; change; innovation
3. a small, often cheap, cleverly made article, usually for play or adornment: usually used in pl.

The specific appellation I would propose for this novelty is alexandrae, in honour of that Princess who, we may reasonably hope, is destined at some future time to be the Queen of these realms and their dependencies, of which Australia is by no means the most inconspicuous.
—The Journals of John McDouall Stuart


What is an innovation? The best innovation definition compares innovation with invention. It doesn't always have to be brand new (like an invention must). The electric light bulb, the airplane, the automobile, the telephone, the phonograph are all inventions and innovations. Compact fluorescent light bulbs, the Concord, hybrid fuel cars, cell phones, and compact discs are also innovations that have had a strong impact on the market.

To really give a good innovation definition, you have to talk about the market. In this angle, the definition of innovation is any idea, product, or service, which is perceived by consumers as being new. There are different kinds of innovation that fit this definition of innovation.

Wikipedia: Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries.[1] It may refer to an incremental emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. Following Schumpeter (1934), contributors to the scholarly literature on innovation typically distinguish between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully in practice. In many fields, such as the arts, economics and government policy, something new must be substantially different to be innovative. In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or producer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. Innovation leading to increased productivity is the fundamental source of increasing wealth in an economy.

Innovation is an important topic in the study of economics, business, entrepreneurship, design, technology, sociology, and engineering. Colloquially, the word "innovation" is often synonymous with the output of the process. However, economists tend to focus on the process itself, from the origination of an idea to its transformation into something useful, to its implementation; and on the system within which the process of innovation unfolds. Since innovation is also considered a major driver of the economy, especially when it leads to new product categories or increasing productivity, the factors that lead to innovation are also considered to be critical to policy makers. In particular, followers of innovation economics stress using public policy to spur innovation and growth.

Pic Url: http://www.ohe.org

“Innovation is the way of transforming the resources of an enterprise through the creativity of people into new resources and wealth” (Paul Schumann)

For my understanding, innovation is mean ability to create something new of creativity thinking and studies.


Wikipedia: An invention is a new composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others.[1] Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience. An invention that is novel and not obvious to others skilled in the same field may be able to obtain the legal protection of a patent.

For me, Invention means the act of finding out or inventing; contrivance or construction of that which has not before existed; as, the invention of logarithms; the invention of the art of printing.

Pic Url : http://www.chrismadden.co.uk/

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