Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 2: Why Creative ?

Today is first lecturer section for creative studies class. We learn what is mean for Creativity ? what's that ? how to be creative ? Below i will show what i have learn for this week. :)

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From wikipedia, Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing.

The process of creation was historically reserved for deities creating "from nothing" in Creationism and other creation myths. Over time, the term creativitycame to include human innovation, especially in art and science and led to the emergence of the creative class.

Picture Source:

In other source, Creativity also defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

For me, Creativity means the ability to think imaginatively and originally

We make it easier:

Ability + Imagination + originally = Creativity

How do we want to be creative?

Look at artwork in galleries and museums. Read books and magazines. Use your senses and experience stimulates your memory and imagination.

Develop your skills.
- Skills build confidence so work to improve your techniques.

Make creative thinking a part of your daily life.
- Ask question. Vary routines. Do the unexpected. You feel more mentally alert.

Smash creative blocks.
- Change the problem or sneak up on it from a different direction. Try something fresh – a new way with an old theme.


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