Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 6: Anology

Class Activity: In this week our lecture asked us to choose two digit numbers and matched two digit numbers with two words from the column below:-

My number is 15,12,05

So, i get the word from my number:-
Flower Root
Flower Rock
Fly Root

After that, we should create a sentences from that word:-

1) The flower life from their root
2) Orchid's flower always need rock and charcoal to grows up
3) Artist and normal people life is like bird's fly and a root of tree

From this sentences, we create the image..

This week also, our class activities is write a short statement/poem that describe the concept of ‘LOVE’, ‘LIFE’, and ‘MAN or WOMAN’ to each picture.

Concept : Love

Love is like a chillies. Although it's taste hot and spice but people still like to eat it..

Ice cream
Concept: Pain

Broken heart is like eating ice cream. although it seem like delicious to taste, but when we taste it, it will make our tooth pain

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